Contact Snap Editing

Error-Free HTML

Snap Editing is always available to assist you in meeting your goals. We are dedicated professionals committed to getting your project done right and on time. Feel feel free to contact us today.

We will give you a resume upgrade for FREE if you can find another resume writing company that has error-free HTML. Most websites have a massive number of HTML errors. However, this website features clean HTML and is 100% syntactically compliant according to the W3C HTML5 Validation Service. (Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who invented the world wide web, is the Director of the World Wide Web Consortium, the W3C.) Go ahead and run this webpage and other resume writing websites through the validator. Find another resume writer website that is error-free, send us the link, and you get a resume upgrade

Avoid Flawed HTML...(and Incorrect English!)

Error Free HTML

We also score >95% using the PageSpeed tool at GTMetrix with every page on our website clocking in below 1 second...except for the homepage with a video. (Our lead writer completed the recent HTML5/JavaScript/CSS/PHP coding on this website using...a notepad, not a CMS.) Less than 1% of all company websites are screaming fast and 100% syntactically compliant so call us today if you need an accurate writer or a meticulous editor. We look forward to hearing from you.

We also get some impressive numbers from PageSpeed Insights! Again, run some other websites through this web test.