Professional Writers Since 1988

Saskatoon Business Plan Writers

We are located in Saskatoon and know about the challenges of starting a business in Saskatoon. Snap Editing focuses on creating well-written business plans (and/or pitch decks) that can contribute to your success. Admittedly, when we started this business we factored in the cratering of oil prices (but we never factored in a pandemic). Inexplicably, however, our business has blossomed significantly as a result of both events. We will factor in long-range thinking in your customized business plan also to make it as solid as possible. And make it as pandemic-proof as possible.

Our intent when we started this company in 2014 was to only write business plans, however, writing business plans isn't a good way to bring in daily cash flow so we branched out into resume writing. That part of the business soon became the fastest growing part of the business. So we have a track record of generating good solid ideas that transform into revenue. Give us a call sometime. (Please note that we can also assist you with your Saskatoon pitch deck, if you require one.)

We scrutinize your business model and can determine if your model translates into a viable business. Our business model assessments are rigorous and thorough. We only create original content and never use a template. Our financial models give you the competitive advantage you need in this market. We create business plans for every sector and manage everything from a S.W.O.T analysis to a thorough marketing analysis.

Most websites have a massive number of HTML errors. However, this website features clean HTML and is 100% syntactically compliant according to the W3C HTML5 Validation Service. (Sir Tim Berners-Lee, who invented the world wide web, is the Director of the World Wide Web Consortium, the W3C.) Go ahead and run this webpage and other websites through the validator. We also score >95% using the PageSpeed tool at GTMetrix with every page on our website clocking in below 1 second...except for this homepage with a video. (Our lead writer completed the recent HTML5/JavaScript/CSS/PHP coding on this website using...a notepad, not a CMS.) Less than 1% of all company websites are screaming fast and 100% syntactically compliant so call us today if you need an accurate writer or a meticulous editor.

Send us an email at or call us at 1.306.713.2012 and we can start a discussion about your particular business plan project requirements. Our business plans are written by a writer with almost 30 years' experience and a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). We can either write a new business plan for you or edit an existing business plan for your Saskatoon business idea.

Business Plan Development Services Saskatoon

Research Before Writing

We research all aspects of your business model before we start writing the business plan. Our lead business plan writer is a meticulous researcher and an expert in gathering information for business plans.

Business Plan Writing Process

Our Business Plan Writer researches and then writes your business plan. Next, our Certified Public Accountant (CPA) crunches the numbers and reviews all the financial information. Give us a call. Snap Editing can help create a terrific Ssskatoon business plan for you.

Why You May Need a Business Writer for your Saskatoon Business

You can have the best business idea in Saskatoon, but if you're not able to clearly articulate your idea/vision in a business plan then you may face unnecessary obstacles. Snap Editing can help you in writing your business plan.